I. Introduction

Underwater Kick is one of the most challenging and beautiful swimming techniques, known for its graceful, undulating movement. In this comprehensive guide, Swim Time Log will explore the intricacies of this movement including techniques, drills, common mistakes, and its importance in competitive swimming.

II. The Butterfly Stroke: A Quick Overview

Before delving, it’s essential to understand the butterfly stroke itself. This stroke is characterized by simultaneous arm movements and an undulating body motion. It requires significant upper body strength, core stability, and leg power. The butterfly underwater kick plays a crucial role in maintaining the rhythm and propulsion of the stroke.

III. Understanding the Butterfly Underwater Kick

This technique is performed during the underwater phase of the stroke, immediately following the arm recovery. Swimmers execute a powerful, simultaneous kick of both legs, propelling them forward beneath the surface. This kick is essential for maintaining speed and minimizing resistance.

Remember to warm up before swimming

IV. Techniques for Mastering

To master this technique, swimmers should focus on several key techniques:

Rhythm: Develop a consistent rhythm for the kick, coordinating it with the arm movements to maintain forward momentum.

Dolphin Kick: The kick should resemble a fluid, undulating motion, often referred to as the dolphin kick. Focus on kicking from the hips and keeping the legs close together.

Leg Strength: Building strong leg muscles, particularly the quads and hip flexors, is crucial for a powerful kick.

Streamline Position: Maintain a streamlined body position, with arms extended overhead and legs close together to reduce drag.

V. Underwater kick: Drills and Exercises for Improvement

It requires targeted drills and exercises. These may include:

Dolphin Kick Drills: Practicing the dolphin kick with a kickboard or using fins can help refine the technique.

Core Strengthening: Exercises that target the core muscles, such as leg raises and planks, can enhance stability and power.

Dryland Training: Incorporating dryland exercises like squats and lunges can help build leg strength.

Underwater Video Analysis: Reviewing underwater video footage can identify areas for improvement and refine technique.


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VI. Common Mistakes and How to Correct Them

There are common mistakes that swimmers often make when performing the butterfly underwater kick. These include:

Kicking Too Wide: Kicking with legs too wide apart creates unnecessary drag. Swimmers should focus on keeping their legs close together.

Inadequate Core Engagement: Insufficient core engagement can result in a weak kick. Strengthening the core can address this issue.

Insufficient Hip Flexor Strength: Strong hip flexors are essential for a powerful kick. Targeted exercises can help build this strength.

Breaking Streamline: Breaking the streamlined position by allowing the arms to drift away from the head can lead to increased resistance.

Correcting these mistakes involves consistent practice, focused drills, and targeted training.

VII. The Butterfly Underwater Kick in Competitive Swimming

The butterfly underwater kick is a critical component of competitive swimming. When executed correctly, it provides swimmers with a competitive advantage by allowing them to maintain speed and minimize resistance during the underwater phase of the stroke. In competitive swimming, every fraction of a second counts, and a well-executed butterfly underwater kick can make a significant difference in race outcomes.


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VIII. Conclusion

The butterfly underwater kick is a skill that requires dedication, practice, and precision. Mastering this technique is essential for any swimmer looking to excel in the butterfly stroke and competitive swimming. By understanding the fundamentals, focusing on technique, and addressing common mistakes, swimmers can harness the power of the butterfly underwater kick to improve their performance and reach their full potential in the water. Whether you’re a seasoned swimmer or just starting out, honing this skill is a rewarding journey that can lead to greater success in the pool.



Sang Nguyen

Sang Nguyen is a former national swimmer for Vietnam who has transitioned into coaching. With a passion for fostering a healthy swimming community and connecting like-minded individuals,......Read More


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