Butterfly swimming, with its graceful yet challenging nature, has the potential to be a thrilling experience for beginners. While it may appear intimidating at first, mastering the butterfly stroke is indeed manageable with the right guidance.

In this comprehensive guide, Swim Time Log aims to provide three essential butterfly swimming tips for beginners to conquer the butterfly stroke and dive into the world of this mesmerizing swimming technique.

Perfect Your Body Position and Timing

Streamline Your Body

The first step towards mastering butterfly swimming is achieving a streamlined body position. To do this, extend your body as much as possible, with your arms fully stretched out in front of you. Keep your legs close together, and point your toes. This streamlined position minimizes water resistance and allows you to glide effortlessly through the water. Reduced resistance means you’ll need less effort to propel yourself forward, conserving your energy for the entire swim.

Master the Timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to butterfly swimming. Achieving a fluid and efficient motion involves perfect coordination between your arms and legs. Practice a simultaneous arm and leg motion to ensure that you are always moving in harmony. The timing is not just about speed but also about efficiency. When done correctly, the butterfly stroke can feel graceful and almost effortless.

Coordinate Your Kick

The butterfly kick is an essential component of this stroke. It provides the necessary propulsion to move you forward. To master it, focus on a fluid and powerful kick. Keep your legs close together and execute a simultaneous upward and downward motion. Your legs should be kicking in unison, not one after the other. The key is to maintain a constant and strong kick that complements your arm movements.

Butterfly swimming pose under water

Breathing Techniques Made Simple

Breathe Every Stroke

Breathing is often a challenging aspect of the butterfly stroke for beginners. To make it easier, aim to take a breath with every stroke. This rhythm helps you establish a breathing pattern that aligns with your arm and leg movements. As you extend your arms forward, take a quick breath, and then exhale as you push your arms backward.

Exhale Underwater

One of the secrets to efficient butterfly breathing is to exhale underwater. This prevents you from having to exhale while your head is above water, which can disrupt your rhythm. Exhaling underwater also allows you to take a quicker, more controlled breath when your head returns to the surface.

Focus on Relaxation

Tension in your neck and shoulders can hinder your ability to breathe comfortably and smoothly. To avoid this, focus on promoting overall relaxation throughout your body. Maintain a fluid motion and keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. A relaxed body allows for better breathing and a more efficient butterfly stroke.

Breath correctly in butterfly swimming

Gradual Progression and Drills

Drills for Improvement

To enhance your butterfly stroke, incorporate drills into your practice sessions. Drills are essential in helping you break down the stroke into manageable parts. Some effective drills include one-arm butterfly, underwater butterfly, and dolphin kick drills. These drills isolate specific aspects of the stroke and allow you to focus on improving them individually.

Distance and Endurance

Start your butterfly swimming journey with short distances and gradually increase the length of your workouts. Building your endurance is essential, and it’s best achieved through consistent practice and gradually pushing your limits. Remember that progress may be slow at first, but perseverance will yield great results over time.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re serious about mastering the butterfly stroke, consider seeking professional guidance. Certified swimming instructors can provide you with personalized feedback and guidance tailored to your specific needs. They can identify and correct your weaknesses, helping you progress faster and with greater precision.


In conclusion, conquering the butterfly stroke as a beginner requires practice, patience, and dedication. By perfecting your body position and timing, simplifying your breathing techniques, and gradually progressing while incorporating drills, you can unlock the secrets of this captivating swimming style.

Remember that, like any skill, mastering the butterfly stroke takes time. The provided tips in this guide are the foundation for your journey. Start with confidence, embrace the learning process, and enjoy the beauty and grace of butterfly swimming. As you progress, you’ll experience the joy and satisfaction of conquering this challenging but rewarding stroke. Happy swimming!

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Sang Nguyen

Sang Nguyen is a former national swimmer for Vietnam who has transitioned into coaching. With a passion for fostering a healthy swimming community and connecting like-minded individuals,......Read More


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